How significant are you?
Is this a question you can answer?
Think about it. In the grand scheme of things, do we really matter? And if we do, to whom do we matter?
Many of us will have different answers. We matter to our parents, our friends, our significant others, our pets, our family... but where does that get you? When you die, will the fact that your mother loved you have any bearing on what happens to you?
Probably not.
On the other hand, to whom do we not matter? We probably don't matter to our mailman, the neighbor downstairs, the person you pass on the street, the lady you're sitting next to in Starbucks, or the guy you're honking at while sitting in your car.
To be quite honest, there are probably far more people that don't care about you than the number of people that do.
That's a very humbling thought. In my feeble and adolescent opinion, I thought I was doing well to have the small number of people in my life that actually give a crap about what I do on a daily basis. But the truth is that sum of those people, however small or large the amount, can never measure up to a far greater entity whose arms are always open for us.
There will definitely be more on this subject later, but for now, I ask one thing: pray. Pray that I will finally make it over the wall. I know that may not make any sense to you, but Someone knows what you mean.
And that's all that matters.
Trading Simple Wars
My thoughts will change your life. They did mine.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Monday, December 6, 2010
Life: Rehabilitation
For months, I have been going through a major case of Writer's Block. I hadn't really come across anything I had felt strongly enough about to actually share my opinion or thoughts on. I was talking with a friend today about Greek life, our personal experiences, what he's been doing to assist his own organization at a different school. Of course, there are always stereotypes put on Greek organizations, and no matter how hard you try, you will probably not overcome them. A common stereotype is that we're all alcoholics. I can attest to the fact this is not true, but when one goes into rehab, we all do, right?
Although a tad off-topic, it got me thinking. Rehabilitation does not have to directly involve alcohol or drugs (although, most commonly does), but really, anything that we have to overcome.
–verb (used with object)
1. to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
2. to restore to good condition, operation, or management, as a bankrupt business.
Think about how many times in your life you have experienced a hardship. There are probably too many to count, right? Whether it is the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, a difficult break up, or even a fight with your best friend. Maybe it is something as simple as losing a special piece of jewelry. There are obviously emotions attached to any one of those scenarios, therefore, when something goes awry, you are hurt, lost, confused, angry, annoyed, aggravated, or any other negative emotion that comes with disappointment. At that point, what do you do?
I don't know about you, but I go into "survival mode." Of course, there are varying levels of said mode, but all in all, it is all the same. I go through any means to restore myself to good condition or operation. Don't you think we all go through rehabilitation of some sort at some point in our lives?
The process by which we attempt to return ourselves to homeostasis varies; personally, I write or blog. It just helps me get out everything in a semi-organized form so I can better assess a situation-- my own little version of rehab. I know people who cry and throw things. I'm not sure how Dr. Phil would like that, but if it works for them, then who am I to judge? It does not matter what we do to become ourselves again, but rather how we do it.
Anyway, that is my revelation for the day. Do not ever judge someone on their lot in life because you never know what someone might be going through.
Although a tad off-topic, it got me thinking. Rehabilitation does not have to directly involve alcohol or drugs (although, most commonly does), but really, anything that we have to overcome.
–verb (used with object)
1. to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
2. to restore to good condition, operation, or management, as a bankrupt business.
Think about how many times in your life you have experienced a hardship. There are probably too many to count, right? Whether it is the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, a difficult break up, or even a fight with your best friend. Maybe it is something as simple as losing a special piece of jewelry. There are obviously emotions attached to any one of those scenarios, therefore, when something goes awry, you are hurt, lost, confused, angry, annoyed, aggravated, or any other negative emotion that comes with disappointment. At that point, what do you do?
I don't know about you, but I go into "survival mode." Of course, there are varying levels of said mode, but all in all, it is all the same. I go through any means to restore myself to good condition or operation. Don't you think we all go through rehabilitation of some sort at some point in our lives?
The process by which we attempt to return ourselves to homeostasis varies; personally, I write or blog. It just helps me get out everything in a semi-organized form so I can better assess a situation-- my own little version of rehab. I know people who cry and throw things. I'm not sure how Dr. Phil would like that, but if it works for them, then who am I to judge? It does not matter what we do to become ourselves again, but rather how we do it.
Anyway, that is my revelation for the day. Do not ever judge someone on their lot in life because you never know what someone might be going through.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Medicine: Death by Trial and Error
It's been awhile since I've updated. I know you're crushed, so here is my latest installment.
I work as an Admissions Counselor for a small-private college in West Virginia. The majority of my job is to help students interested in the Humanities and Music decide if my college is right for them, and then guide them through the Admissions process. Now, within that "Humanities" category is a sub-category of the "Undecided" students. I actually get to use the "counselor" part of my job title with these students, as I help them figure out exactly what they want to do with the rest of their life.
I really like that part of my job for a few reasons: I not only get to help them figure out their strengths and weaknesses, but I get to kind of "pump them up" for their future. That's kind of cool. However, next time I get an Undecided student that wants to change to Pre-Med, I have a few words of advice for them:
Medicine is not a guessing game. When you spend $100k on medical schooling, please learn something so your patients, i.e. ME, aren't used as guinea pigs.
Here's a bit of a back story for those of you who don't know what has been going on. Last year, I started noticing that I couldn't eat pepperoni because of adverse reactions. "No big deal," I thought. "I can live without it." So I went about my business. Then, one hot day, Jessica and I went for ice cream. Bad idea. "Ok," I thought again, "I can't have ice cream." That was a little tougher to live without than pepperoni.
From then on, it's been a downward spiral of food after food after drink after food that I can't eat because I would get so sick. I won't explain all the reactions I had; I'll leave that up to your imagination.
So in June, I go to my family doctor and explain that I think my gallbladder hates me and asked them to check it. He, instead, orders blood work and a CT Scan because he thinks I have Diverticulosis, which is basically little finger-like sacs (I know, I hate that word, too) off the intestine that gets irritated when particles of fatty foods get stuck in them. Well, the CT Scan shows nothing on my intestine, so the nurse says, "Change your diet," to which the doctor replied, "Medicine is basically a guessing game."
Um, I'm sorry, what? Medicine is a guessing game? How about test my gallbladder like I asked you to?
So, I change my diet. I start self-testing for food allergies: glutton, acids, etc. no avail. It didn't matter what I ate; I always got sick.
So, I then went to my check-up for another doctor, and I explained to her how I was having abdominal and pelvic pain, so she ordered both an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, as well as yet ANOTHER round of blood work. Oh good, because I love needles. It is my greatest pleasure in life to look like Swiss cheese.
So the day before my ultrasounds, the second doctor calls and says she needs me to do blood work AGAIN because my SED Rates were high (which basically means there is an infection somewhere in my body). So, after I go through the pain and horror of these two ultrasounds, I go BACK to the second doctor and get needled again. TWO WEEKS later, I get a call saying she is referring me to a General Surgeon because she can't read my abdominal ultrasound. THEN WHY DID YOU ORDER IT?! (Ok, I know why she ordered it, but seriously.)
So now, as the "guessing game" continues, no one knows what is wrong with me, they put me on this medicine that is making me feel even more terrible than before, and no one has checked my gallbladder yet.
The worst part about this is that my appointment with the surgeon is scheduled for two days before I start traveling for this job that I love so much. Tell me, Doc, what can you do between Friday at 10:30am and Sunday at 2pm for me?
I work as an Admissions Counselor for a small-private college in West Virginia. The majority of my job is to help students interested in the Humanities and Music decide if my college is right for them, and then guide them through the Admissions process. Now, within that "Humanities" category is a sub-category of the "Undecided" students. I actually get to use the "counselor" part of my job title with these students, as I help them figure out exactly what they want to do with the rest of their life.
I really like that part of my job for a few reasons: I not only get to help them figure out their strengths and weaknesses, but I get to kind of "pump them up" for their future. That's kind of cool. However, next time I get an Undecided student that wants to change to Pre-Med, I have a few words of advice for them:
Medicine is not a guessing game. When you spend $100k on medical schooling, please learn something so your patients, i.e. ME, aren't used as guinea pigs.
Here's a bit of a back story for those of you who don't know what has been going on. Last year, I started noticing that I couldn't eat pepperoni because of adverse reactions. "No big deal," I thought. "I can live without it." So I went about my business. Then, one hot day, Jessica and I went for ice cream. Bad idea. "Ok," I thought again, "I can't have ice cream." That was a little tougher to live without than pepperoni.
From then on, it's been a downward spiral of food after food after drink after food that I can't eat because I would get so sick. I won't explain all the reactions I had; I'll leave that up to your imagination.
So in June, I go to my family doctor and explain that I think my gallbladder hates me and asked them to check it. He, instead, orders blood work and a CT Scan because he thinks I have Diverticulosis, which is basically little finger-like sacs (I know, I hate that word, too) off the intestine that gets irritated when particles of fatty foods get stuck in them. Well, the CT Scan shows nothing on my intestine, so the nurse says, "Change your diet," to which the doctor replied, "Medicine is basically a guessing game."
Um, I'm sorry, what? Medicine is a guessing game? How about test my gallbladder like I asked you to?
So, I change my diet. I start self-testing for food allergies: glutton, acids, etc. no avail. It didn't matter what I ate; I always got sick.
So, I then went to my check-up for another doctor, and I explained to her how I was having abdominal and pelvic pain, so she ordered both an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, as well as yet ANOTHER round of blood work. Oh good, because I love needles. It is my greatest pleasure in life to look like Swiss cheese.
So the day before my ultrasounds, the second doctor calls and says she needs me to do blood work AGAIN because my SED Rates were high (which basically means there is an infection somewhere in my body). So, after I go through the pain and horror of these two ultrasounds, I go BACK to the second doctor and get needled again. TWO WEEKS later, I get a call saying she is referring me to a General Surgeon because she can't read my abdominal ultrasound. THEN WHY DID YOU ORDER IT?! (Ok, I know why she ordered it, but seriously.)
So now, as the "guessing game" continues, no one knows what is wrong with me, they put me on this medicine that is making me feel even more terrible than before, and no one has checked my gallbladder yet.
The worst part about this is that my appointment with the surgeon is scheduled for two days before I start traveling for this job that I love so much. Tell me, Doc, what can you do between Friday at 10:30am and Sunday at 2pm for me?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Subtle Art of Tact
Dear Plus-Sized Females: Just because they make a bikini (or any other skimpy article of clothing) in your size doesn't mean you should wear it.
I am so sick of plus-sized girls thinking they have the bodies of skinny girls. If there's a fat roll over the top of your bikini bottom, you probably should not be going out in public like that. If your boobs pop out of every single shirt you wear, I'd probably buy a bigger size. If you have to lay down to button your jeans, either eat less salt or buy different pants.
I'm all for being confident in your body type. Heck, I'm a plus-sized girl, and I'm perfectly fine with it. However, we do not want to see all the goods hanging out of your clothing, and especially, out of your bikini.
Fact: Plus-sized females wear a size 12 or above. Now, let's face it: a size 12 really isn't all that big, but whatever, that's our fashion industry for you. Now let's say you go into a store and are looking for a bathing suit. You find a very nice, tactful one piece (maybe even with a little skirt to hide the tops of your thighs) in the plus-sized section in a size 20. Next to it is a bikini, again in a size 20, that you think is equally cute.
Here's where the mind struggle comes in. Obviously you like the bikini, and men obviously like bikinis, too. It's in your size and will accommodate your protruding stomach, your less-than-small bust, and your bigger thighs (mainly because there's not much restricting them). Also, if it's made in your size, then you'll obviously look good in it. You decide on the bikini, and the next day, you head to the pool.
Let us, if you will, go over the many reasons plus-sized girls should choose more modest swimwear. Reason 1: Where did it go?

Reason 2: Boobs! Boobs everywhere! Don't get too close, or you'll poke your eye out.

And finally, reason 3: I don't think she's pregnant.

So as you can see, there are three very strong arguments against what happens when a plus-sized female purchases and proceeds to wear a bikini. Now, let us explore a few types of swimwear that are actually FLATTERING to a fuller frame.

As you can see, this one piece creates a nice line, emphasizing the hour-glass figure.

This choice (one of my favorites) still shows the chest area, but opts for a "dress/skirt" style that hides a bigger tummy.

And finally, this design shows that plus-sized girls can have fun, too! Notice how the exotic design again hides any bumps and creases of which you may be weary.
Without sounding too much like an advertisement for a clothing store, my point is this: it's a lot more flattering and lot more sexy if you hide what you have and choose clothing that flatters your shape. Not mention, it's a lot more respectful of those that have to see you! I don't want to be exposed to those images being seared in my brain for hours/days on end. Plus, where's the mystery? I'm sure if you ask any man, I'm sure that 9 times out of 10, they would want you to cover up and smooth down those curves.
I am so sick of plus-sized girls thinking they have the bodies of skinny girls. If there's a fat roll over the top of your bikini bottom, you probably should not be going out in public like that. If your boobs pop out of every single shirt you wear, I'd probably buy a bigger size. If you have to lay down to button your jeans, either eat less salt or buy different pants.
I'm all for being confident in your body type. Heck, I'm a plus-sized girl, and I'm perfectly fine with it. However, we do not want to see all the goods hanging out of your clothing, and especially, out of your bikini.
Fact: Plus-sized females wear a size 12 or above. Now, let's face it: a size 12 really isn't all that big, but whatever, that's our fashion industry for you. Now let's say you go into a store and are looking for a bathing suit. You find a very nice, tactful one piece (maybe even with a little skirt to hide the tops of your thighs) in the plus-sized section in a size 20. Next to it is a bikini, again in a size 20, that you think is equally cute.
Here's where the mind struggle comes in. Obviously you like the bikini, and men obviously like bikinis, too. It's in your size and will accommodate your protruding stomach, your less-than-small bust, and your bigger thighs (mainly because there's not much restricting them). Also, if it's made in your size, then you'll obviously look good in it. You decide on the bikini, and the next day, you head to the pool.
Let us, if you will, go over the many reasons plus-sized girls should choose more modest swimwear. Reason 1: Where did it go?

Reason 2: Boobs! Boobs everywhere! Don't get too close, or you'll poke your eye out.

And finally, reason 3: I don't think she's pregnant.

So as you can see, there are three very strong arguments against what happens when a plus-sized female purchases and proceeds to wear a bikini. Now, let us explore a few types of swimwear that are actually FLATTERING to a fuller frame.

As you can see, this one piece creates a nice line, emphasizing the hour-glass figure.

This choice (one of my favorites) still shows the chest area, but opts for a "dress/skirt" style that hides a bigger tummy.

And finally, this design shows that plus-sized girls can have fun, too! Notice how the exotic design again hides any bumps and creases of which you may be weary.
Without sounding too much like an advertisement for a clothing store, my point is this: it's a lot more flattering and lot more sexy if you hide what you have and choose clothing that flatters your shape. Not mention, it's a lot more respectful of those that have to see you! I don't want to be exposed to those images being seared in my brain for hours/days on end. Plus, where's the mystery? I'm sure if you ask any man, I'm sure that 9 times out of 10, they would want you to cover up and smooth down those curves.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Letting Go
It is a woman's nature to hold on as tightly as possible to the things that mean the most to her. Her "skinny" jeans. An old photograph. A card from her 16th birthday. A rose from her first boyfriend. The boyfriend himself. Some guys do this too, but I have found that the ones that do are few and far between. I am pretty certain it is a scientific fact that women invest more into events or relationships than men do, but that is an entirely separate post.
So the case in point is that we hold on to these objects because we can feel them, see them, taste them, and smell them. To us, they are physical representations of a past life-- perhaps one that was more vital and interesting than the one in which we currently exist. These objects provide comfort to us in times of sadness, and we seem to do anything we can to hold onto them as long as possible.
Well, forget that.
Here I am, 25 years old, and I'm up to my eyeballs in useless crap. Tell me what an old gymnastics ribbon is going to do for me now? Remind me that I can do a split? I do not need it, and the quicker you figure out that neither do you, the better.
Think about it. It technically isn't the objects that we are holding onto; they are just reminders of memories of which we can't let go. They are the memories that we need to keep. So now, I'm 25, and I'm unable to fully live my life and give myself chances to create new memories because I am so weighted down with old ones. Tell me: is this fair?
What was that terrible Eminem song? "Cleanin' Out My Closet?" Well, I think it would do all of us some good to clean out our closets... literally and figuratively. We can't continue to allow ourselves to swim in the oceans of memories of past lives. We will never be able to live in the present.
And if you can't live in the present, then life will pass us by without us even noticing. All the sudden, we are 50 years old, alone, and waiting for our chance at a new beginning.
You may be wondering what spurred this "divine revelation" I am having (or not, it's whatev), and it is okay to wonder. Honestly, it is a book. Well, WAS a book. For the past 3 months, I have had this book sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read. It was given to me by a person that meant a lot to me, but things did not work out. However, because of the cowardice ways of the other party, I am left with this book, and it has been staring me in the face for too long. I will not read it, and it is obviously not going back to its previous owner. Therefore, I am donating it.
Books are meant to be read, and it is not fair for it to just sit on a desk, alone, and falling short of its potential. Someone else should have it and make their own memories with it. I am sure they will need it more than I ever will.
We too often associate our memories with tangible objects, and over time, our lives are filled with nothing but these constant reminders of things that did not work out, or times when we were skinner, or boys that turned into boyfriends that turned into distance memories. We do not need them. Every day, we should wake up with a fresh start and a clean slate, so today, I am cleaning out my closets. All the skeletons, the bad memories, the wilted flowers, the jeans that do not fit, and the wrinkled photographs because I know that only the good memories will remain in my heart.
So the case in point is that we hold on to these objects because we can feel them, see them, taste them, and smell them. To us, they are physical representations of a past life-- perhaps one that was more vital and interesting than the one in which we currently exist. These objects provide comfort to us in times of sadness, and we seem to do anything we can to hold onto them as long as possible.
Well, forget that.
Here I am, 25 years old, and I'm up to my eyeballs in useless crap. Tell me what an old gymnastics ribbon is going to do for me now? Remind me that I can do a split? I do not need it, and the quicker you figure out that neither do you, the better.
Think about it. It technically isn't the objects that we are holding onto; they are just reminders of memories of which we can't let go. They are the memories that we need to keep. So now, I'm 25, and I'm unable to fully live my life and give myself chances to create new memories because I am so weighted down with old ones. Tell me: is this fair?
What was that terrible Eminem song? "Cleanin' Out My Closet?" Well, I think it would do all of us some good to clean out our closets... literally and figuratively. We can't continue to allow ourselves to swim in the oceans of memories of past lives. We will never be able to live in the present.
And if you can't live in the present, then life will pass us by without us even noticing. All the sudden, we are 50 years old, alone, and waiting for our chance at a new beginning.
You may be wondering what spurred this "divine revelation" I am having (or not, it's whatev), and it is okay to wonder. Honestly, it is a book. Well, WAS a book. For the past 3 months, I have had this book sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read. It was given to me by a person that meant a lot to me, but things did not work out. However, because of the cowardice ways of the other party, I am left with this book, and it has been staring me in the face for too long. I will not read it, and it is obviously not going back to its previous owner. Therefore, I am donating it.
Books are meant to be read, and it is not fair for it to just sit on a desk, alone, and falling short of its potential. Someone else should have it and make their own memories with it. I am sure they will need it more than I ever will.
We too often associate our memories with tangible objects, and over time, our lives are filled with nothing but these constant reminders of things that did not work out, or times when we were skinner, or boys that turned into boyfriends that turned into distance memories. We do not need them. Every day, we should wake up with a fresh start and a clean slate, so today, I am cleaning out my closets. All the skeletons, the bad memories, the wilted flowers, the jeans that do not fit, and the wrinkled photographs because I know that only the good memories will remain in my heart.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ok, I know that you're probably thinking, "Why is this crazy girl adding a 'Welcome!' post after she's already posted 21 entries?" Fair enough. I used to house my blog on MySpace, but the growing number of creepers who would send me unwanted messages has driven me to the decision that MySpace is Stalker Central. Therefore, viola! Welcome to my NewSpace!
The previous 21 entries were taken from my previous blog and added here for a few reasons. One, I really liked these entries and wanted to save them, and two, I wanted my new readers (if any) to get a good understanding of who I am. Hopefully, they'll make you keep coming back for more!
I'd like to also add a disclaimer to this site. This blog will be based on my opinions, thoughts, feelings, and reactions toward things I see, hear, or experience. They are not intended to persuade, judge, or even change your own opinions. People that know me well enough know that I like discussion for discussion's sake, and I will never argue with anyone. However, I do openly welcome any comments that will not only continue the discussion, but also offer up your own personal experiences or points of view, and maybe even make me second guess my own.
This blog is purely for your entertainment (and to practice freedom of speech, of course!). I'll probably not update it everyday.
I feel like I should take a second to explain the title, "Trading Simple Wars." One of my favorite quotations (and one I try to constantly remind myself of) goes something like this: "Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."
This blog represents my own battle, and I hope you take a chance to comment on some of these entries with YOUR own battle. The wars we face everyday will one day mean everything in the world to you, and we all need to learn to appreciate the struggle.
I hope you enjoy my humorous anecdotes, my struggles, my pain, my joys, and my experiences.
As always, if you don't like what you're reading, feel free to click that little "x" at the top right (or left for those terrible Mac users) corner of your screen! :)
The previous 21 entries were taken from my previous blog and added here for a few reasons. One, I really liked these entries and wanted to save them, and two, I wanted my new readers (if any) to get a good understanding of who I am. Hopefully, they'll make you keep coming back for more!
I'd like to also add a disclaimer to this site. This blog will be based on my opinions, thoughts, feelings, and reactions toward things I see, hear, or experience. They are not intended to persuade, judge, or even change your own opinions. People that know me well enough know that I like discussion for discussion's sake, and I will never argue with anyone. However, I do openly welcome any comments that will not only continue the discussion, but also offer up your own personal experiences or points of view, and maybe even make me second guess my own.
This blog is purely for your entertainment (and to practice freedom of speech, of course!). I'll probably not update it everyday.
I feel like I should take a second to explain the title, "Trading Simple Wars." One of my favorite quotations (and one I try to constantly remind myself of) goes something like this: "Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."
This blog represents my own battle, and I hope you take a chance to comment on some of these entries with YOUR own battle. The wars we face everyday will one day mean everything in the world to you, and we all need to learn to appreciate the struggle.
I hope you enjoy my humorous anecdotes, my struggles, my pain, my joys, and my experiences.
As always, if you don't like what you're reading, feel free to click that little "x" at the top right (or left for those terrible Mac users) corner of your screen! :)
Bigger and Better
I was talking with a friend of mine last night about the amazing new purchases I made this weekend that added 14 new DVDs to my collection. (That's right, 14. Thank you, Blockbuster.) I started ranting (go figure) about how I was going to be so pissed off when they started making something over than DVDs because I refuse to start my collection over (again-- remember VHSs?). His response was, "Um, hello, BluRays."
Okay, I don't know if you know me very well, or even if you know me at all, but I'm a traditionalist in some respects. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's my philosophy. Anyway.
BluRays. Who gives a crap. It's basically a DVD that looks better on a High Def. TV, which, by the way, I do not own. Why do I need a flat screen television when the two I own work perfectly fine? Seriously, I think it is just a ploy for companies to make us want something BIGGER and BETTER. I own a gazillion VHS tapes, and I am NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT. My entire Disney collection is on VHS, and I own TWO, count 'em TWO, VHS players. My children will watch Disney on VHS just like I did. I will not wait for them to come out of the "vault" that does not even exist.
There is no reason I need to feel like I am in the middle of the movie I'm watching. I watch a lot of action movies, so I seriously do not think I need to feel like I am in the middle of a gun fight between Angelina Jolie and whatever dude she is trying to kill one minute and trying to sleep with the next (which, by the way, get a new agent, Angelina, because you are seriously stuck in a rut). There is absolutely no need to go and spend hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars on a new TV when the ones I own work perfectly fine.
The same goes for DVDs.
Even if DVD players go off the market (which I do not see anytime soon, considering I can still buy a VHS player), I can continue to play my DVDs in a BluRay player. That that, my friend said, "Well, you can't play BluRays in a DVD player." Who honestly gives a crap? I do not own a BluRay disc, so why do I care if I can't play them in a DVD player?
Soon enough, scientists will start cloning the actors and shipping them off to houses to re-enact the entire movie for us while we sit on our couches anyway, so what is the damn point?
Why are we always conditioned to want something more, something bigger, something better? Take the new Apple 4G phone, for example. Apple comes out with a new iPhone every single year. They market the hell out of it, and people stand in line for hours trying to get it. It is a phone, not the answer to world hunger. Plus, there is always a problem with it. That is what happens when companies fight to out-do themselves over and over again... you end up with a sub-par product that you will have more trouble returning or troubleshooting that you did standing in line for hours to buy.
Dishwashers is another thing. I never grew up with a dishwasher, and I never intend to have a dishwasher. A few reasons: 1) I see so many commercials about how this product leaves residue and that produce does not actually get the dishes clean (ew, gross), and 2) Why do I need a dishwasher when I have perfect capability of washing the dishes myself? The way I see it is if I wash them myself, then I KNOW they are clean! Why run them through the dishwasher when, in the end, I'll probably just have to hand-wash them again anyway.
Hey, before you know it, your iPhone will be able to wash your dishes for you, anyway.
Moral of the story is this: society instills this need within us that we never quite have it good enough, and I do not think that is any way to live. We don't have the best TV, so we go out and buy a High Def. TV. We do not have the best, most technologically-advanced phone, so we stand in line for a device that could rule the world. We don't own the newest kind of movie product, so we spend $25 on buying a BluRay movie we already own on DVD, and of course, the $150 dollars on the player to play said BluRay movie. But remember, BluRay movies don't do anything unless you have the High Def. TV, so now we're back to square one. It's absolutely ridiculous.
What happened to the time when we were perfectly content with indoor plumbing? No, we just HAD to have the brushed chrome fixtures and the rain shower head and the jacuzzi hot tub that doubles as a hurricane barrack. We are never satisfied with anything less than the best, and I am getting rather sick of it! Be happy that you have two hands to wash dishes with, and be happy that you have electricity to power your television, and be happy that you have a phone that does nothing but make emergency phone calls.
I hope I never see the day where we never have to get out of bed in order to live a healthy, happy life.
Okay, I don't know if you know me very well, or even if you know me at all, but I'm a traditionalist in some respects. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's my philosophy. Anyway.
BluRays. Who gives a crap. It's basically a DVD that looks better on a High Def. TV, which, by the way, I do not own. Why do I need a flat screen television when the two I own work perfectly fine? Seriously, I think it is just a ploy for companies to make us want something BIGGER and BETTER. I own a gazillion VHS tapes, and I am NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT. My entire Disney collection is on VHS, and I own TWO, count 'em TWO, VHS players. My children will watch Disney on VHS just like I did. I will not wait for them to come out of the "vault" that does not even exist.
There is no reason I need to feel like I am in the middle of the movie I'm watching. I watch a lot of action movies, so I seriously do not think I need to feel like I am in the middle of a gun fight between Angelina Jolie and whatever dude she is trying to kill one minute and trying to sleep with the next (which, by the way, get a new agent, Angelina, because you are seriously stuck in a rut). There is absolutely no need to go and spend hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars on a new TV when the ones I own work perfectly fine.
The same goes for DVDs.
Even if DVD players go off the market (which I do not see anytime soon, considering I can still buy a VHS player), I can continue to play my DVDs in a BluRay player. That that, my friend said, "Well, you can't play BluRays in a DVD player." Who honestly gives a crap? I do not own a BluRay disc, so why do I care if I can't play them in a DVD player?
Soon enough, scientists will start cloning the actors and shipping them off to houses to re-enact the entire movie for us while we sit on our couches anyway, so what is the damn point?
Why are we always conditioned to want something more, something bigger, something better? Take the new Apple 4G phone, for example. Apple comes out with a new iPhone every single year. They market the hell out of it, and people stand in line for hours trying to get it. It is a phone, not the answer to world hunger. Plus, there is always a problem with it. That is what happens when companies fight to out-do themselves over and over again... you end up with a sub-par product that you will have more trouble returning or troubleshooting that you did standing in line for hours to buy.
Dishwashers is another thing. I never grew up with a dishwasher, and I never intend to have a dishwasher. A few reasons: 1) I see so many commercials about how this product leaves residue and that produce does not actually get the dishes clean (ew, gross), and 2) Why do I need a dishwasher when I have perfect capability of washing the dishes myself? The way I see it is if I wash them myself, then I KNOW they are clean! Why run them through the dishwasher when, in the end, I'll probably just have to hand-wash them again anyway.
Hey, before you know it, your iPhone will be able to wash your dishes for you, anyway.
Moral of the story is this: society instills this need within us that we never quite have it good enough, and I do not think that is any way to live. We don't have the best TV, so we go out and buy a High Def. TV. We do not have the best, most technologically-advanced phone, so we stand in line for a device that could rule the world. We don't own the newest kind of movie product, so we spend $25 on buying a BluRay movie we already own on DVD, and of course, the $150 dollars on the player to play said BluRay movie. But remember, BluRay movies don't do anything unless you have the High Def. TV, so now we're back to square one. It's absolutely ridiculous.
What happened to the time when we were perfectly content with indoor plumbing? No, we just HAD to have the brushed chrome fixtures and the rain shower head and the jacuzzi hot tub that doubles as a hurricane barrack. We are never satisfied with anything less than the best, and I am getting rather sick of it! Be happy that you have two hands to wash dishes with, and be happy that you have electricity to power your television, and be happy that you have a phone that does nothing but make emergency phone calls.
I hope I never see the day where we never have to get out of bed in order to live a healthy, happy life.
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